Monday, September 17, 2012

12 Days 'til the Wedding

              The Week of Spending Dangerously...

It was quite a week! 


1)  Paid off the Florist

2)  Mary and Audrey and I tried out our wedding day hair-dos

Mary's hair won't look exactly like this...
3)  Paid off the Cake

4)  Bought stuff for the reception from

5)  Picked out and bought Grey's Tuxedo

6)  Found a new flower girls dress for Neve

You've got to love the flip-flops!!

7)  Allowed myself to go on Ebay to pick up a couple more cake forks and butter spreaders

8)  Scurried right off of Ebay when I found myself wanting to bid on entire sets of silver

9)  Rented a 12 passenger van for the bachelorette party

Mary and Audrey lovin' the fab '80's
10) Ordered a pair of shoes for the wedding (they didn't work out)

11) Bought more mums

The new mums.  They've promised NOT to bloom until the 28th!

Larry's mum farm. After agreeing NOT to bloom until the 28th, the Costco mums bloomed anyway
12) Fostered some tiny kittens for the weekend

They look SOOO small, but costs SOOO much!!
13) Got reservations for Lucy and Ellie for the wedding...we are only paying $9.00 a night more for our rooms!!!

There had better be room service!!!

14) Went to Costco and bought some more stuff for the reception.

This plus another full cart is what $453.00 dollars at Costco looks like

 While we were at Costco and waiting in line, an older gentleman looked at Lance and said,
"Getting ready for the game?"  Lance said "Yep".  I looked at the guy and said, "He's getting ready for the BIG game - He's getting married in two weeks!"  The old guy looked at Lance and said "Whoa!  That's the biggest game there is!"

Lance and Mary - all suited up!

 A Big Game, indeed.