Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Anatomy of a Breakfast

Larry and I like to watch cooking shows.  Our whole family does.  And lately there has been a whole lot of French Toast going on.  French Toast made with Challah Bread.  French Toast loving soaked in an egg and cream mixture...YUMMMMM...

So I was at Panera Bread last Thursday morning after my doctors appointment. (Don't judge me!)  And they had  Challah, so I bought a loaf and went on my way, dreaming of my new electric skillet filled with slices of challah loving soaked in an egg and cream mixture, browning beautifully...

Well, on Friday night we had Ledo's pizza with Mary, so no breakfast as dinner scenario there.

Then on Saturday morning we were running late for a massage and then 'linner' with Mary and Lance and after we got home we both decided on yogurt for supper, so no french toast on Saturday.

Finally, Sunday morning!  Always the multi-tasker, I started bacon in my new cast iron skillet and cracked six eggs into a 13x9 pan.  I added half and half, cinnamon, nutmeg, and just a little bit of sugar. whisk-ed it with my flat whisk, then went to slice the challah.

OMG the challah smelled EVIL.  Like nasty beer-y yeast.  So we called Mary. ($36,000.00 for her Associates in Science Specializing in Pastry Degree - she is our technical go-to person)
She said to toss it.  WHAT???  So we called Panera.  The 15 year old that answered said he didn't think it was good either.  In the meantime, while we were on the phone, I had lovingly added the slices of the evil smelling challah to my egg mixture thinking that maybe we'd find out that that really is what challah bread smells like.

It looked so beautiful.....

That's when we realized that the challah's shelf life was roughly equivalent to the life span of a Mayfly. 

So, I dumped out the Challah, the egg and half and half mixture and washed the pan.  Then I added 6 more eggs, more half and half, cinnamon, nutmeg and just a touch of sugar, beat it together with a regular whisk and added some of Larry's sacred Pepperidge Farm Oatmeal bread to the mix - not as lovingly as before - and let it soak while I fired up my new electric skillet.  I reached into the fridge and discovered that the grocery fairies had NOT visited my house and all I had was unsalted butter leftover from the holidays.  Geeeeezzzz.

The bacon, by the way, was wonderful.

So, lets recap:

1 dozen eggs
1 cup of half and half
1 loaf of Challah Bread
1/2  loaf of Larry's Pepperidge Farm Oatmeal Bread

And the loss of a dream.

The Oatmeal Bread French Toast was pretty good.

Just not as flashy.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, that sucks! I hate it when grandiose plans fizzle like that.
