Larry and Shayne SERIOUSLY outdid themselves and drove to NC, picked up the U-Haul, packed the U-Haul, met Audrey's office, had dinner and then DROVE home!! They left at 5:15am and returned at 1:00am! Whew!!!
In the meantime Mary and Neve and I drove to Springfield and picked up Mary's wedding dress!!!
A busy day was had by all.
So now my downstairs is again completely full (I wish we had taken before and after pictures!!) and Auds is gingerly walking about, getting her sea legs back. I've been trying to help with the boxes and stacking stuff and helping to get organized, but I must admit:
I am torn.
I am distracted.
What kind of a mother am I anyway??
Auds is going thru all this pain and all I can think is this:
I am about 1/2 way thru New Moon and I am dying to get to my Kindle and read like a maniac.
Hmmm... Maybe Audrey will understand....
Neve is def Team Edward.....
How nice to have baby girl home again! Your men did very well. Now, where is that dang Kindle. You could always run an 'errand' & take it with you in the car & sit & read to your little hearts content.....