Living in stressful times, I think that it might be a good way to face Friday.
It will be a great way to use my pretty glasses and cocktail napkins and cute little bowls.
And, to quote Shirley Jackson, "We all should live more graciously."
And, since Larry and I don't really drink, it will be an education.
That's not to say that every drink will include alcohol - I think that ANY drink - even lemonade - would taste WONDERFUL if it is shaken with ice and strained and poured into a pretty glass!!
So I will report weekly on our progress and include recipes for the drinks and for the nibbles that go with them.
Just not this week as I've only just decided to do this.
To start with this week we shall have a small margarita (which I have a mix for because frankly, I have no idea how to make one!!)
Isn't this pretty? Wouldn't this be nice to come home to? |
(I think it looks better on the tray) |
Larry and I got these pretty depression glasses when we went to NC last year just before Christmas. Merry Christmas to me!!! |
We got these nut dishes on a different trip to Bouchville - They were buried in a box and were filthy!! I think that I paid .50 cents each for 5. |